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Friday, 30 December 2011


A week in Saigon!
It's incredibly noisy, busy and polluted.
It's also posessed of an energy that I liked.
Hoi An is nicer..damp and cool versus Saigons hot & sticky.

Sunday, 25 December 2011


Saigon is a genuine eye opener. It is noisy, polluted, crowded and wonderful. It has a range of extremes that will ring you like a bell. There is poverty in The Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

The Vietnamese are wonderfully self assured, but then the current generations grandparents beat the Americans and that has to enhance your sense of "can do". I wouldn't like to be an American here...the Vietnamese aren't in the business of apologising for winning.

They adore children here. It is nice to be able to be nice to kids and not be treated like a paedophile.

It would be a mistake to judge all of Vietnam by Tay Ninh Province and Saigon. But, so long as I could find a place of quiet occasionally, I would live here. The Communist propaganda is quite interesting, there is a vigour to the statues in particular that I find very refreshing. The traffic obeys the laws of the oceans...all the scooters/mopeds are sardines and they flow around the bigger fish of buses and trucks. The other night I was watching a bus...a big one, turning at a round-a-bout and was amazed that no one was killed...the traffic just flowed around it.

The Vietnamese do not whisper and the streets are places for shouting. I/we am/are changing as a person/people and often wonder just how I/ we will fit in back home on our return.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Tuol Sleng, the Killing Fields & Pnom Penh

I've been in Pnom Penh for 5 days now. Been to the almost obligatory places...Tuol Sleng Execution Centre & Choung Ek Killing Fields. The former is tough because it looks like almost any other secondary school you would find in Pnom Penh. It's an ordinary place.
The seond is tough because they didn't spare anyone...the bones of children, the krama still in the pits. I thought it would be a great place for meditation. It's very quiet.
Pnom Penh itself is an odd place. Like many in the 3rd World there is a mixture of the super rich and the super poor. So beggars beside BMW's. Some of the beggars are very hard to deal with. One had a facial deformity that started above his right eye and hung down his face....nearly lost lunch over that one.
The Khmer are a beautiful people. There is such life here. I think I will find it very hard to return home. So many things here just cut to the heart of life.
It is the perfect place for me to close one chapter of this life and to begin another on my return.Many of you I will keep as friends. It has more to do with people I knew during my first marriage. More to do with exploring things mentioned in my other blog. I'm also tired and there is kack in my lungs.
Pnom Penh can be cheap. Street food is very good and cheap. The fruits are wonderful. The local donut which must use sticky rice flour is delicious...and at 25 cents a pop, is a steal.
Tickets to Saigon by bus $10 each. Ariel is free.
Vietnamese visas $45 each...we were expecting $30 and Ariel possibly free. So this weeks budget is blown.
Will go. Need coffee.

Thursday, 15 December 2011


I've been here for a week.
Been to and climbed more temples than I had ever thought I might want to.
Been rung like a bell emotionaly.
Cambodia is utterly in your face, it doesn't take any prisoners and doesn't ever give a thought about making apologies for the way it is.

In short, in a very short space of time Cambodia will lift you up with the beauties of its imperial past, and then give you an emotional kick in the face with a hydrocephalic 4 year old on the way out.
Or the man without arms who sells you a book...and then cheerfully greets you with a loud "G'day Mate!" upon learning that you are Australian...and then shakes your hand with his stump.

The country is beautiful, The Monsoon which has flooded so much also means that the next rice crop is already in the ground whilst the current one is being harvested. The place is still amazingly wet.

There is poverty here, but it doesn't seem to be a poverty of the heart, well not in the Khmer. The Westerners are often the poor in heart. The Khmer are too busy being alive. There is a gentleness to them that makes the Khmer Rouge even harder to understand and most Khmer will tell you that the Khmer Rouge had a sickness that made them not Khmer, The Khmer are gentle, love kids (Ariel is a rock star here), surprisingly honest and will very rarely push things. Learn some Khmer and the beggars in Pnom Penh tend to leave you alone.

Today we are going to buy some shoes for me...the other ones gave up. Tuol Sleng and the Killing Fields are for tomorrow. Then Monday is the visa for Vietnam.

Not really missing anyone.

Monday, 5 December 2011


Met Ajahn Dhammarato for breakfast yesterday at Wat Palelai.
Then proceeded to take the long, slow, hot, sticky way to Malaysia.
It's pretty obvious who runs the show in MALAYsia. Mind you at at 1 to 2.9 exchange rate I'm not complaining.
Pasar Larkin is much as I remember it to be.
Bought lunch...RM 15
A Quran, a recipe book and prayer beads for RM 90. Also 2 dresses for Selina for RM 80.
Ariel continues to love Asia. He is getting rock star type treatment. Loves the food. roti canai, chicken sate` all vanish.
Slept like logs last night.
Today we had more roti for breakfast. I had sardine martabak as well. The iced tea is to die for. Breakfast $S 18.
Dhammarato for lunch....$S10.
Then home for a nap.
Bought and recharged MRT cards...$S50.
Am about to post book etc., home
Deeply happy here. Selina is absolutely the best person to travel with.
Things are more expensive than I would like, but we knew Singapore would be.

Saturday, 3 December 2011


We're in Singapore. Arrived last night. Thunderstorm in progress. Absolutely knackered. Ariel quite literally pulled laps of the plane...and nothing wore him out. After booking into the hotel we went out for the midst of the storm. Nice dinner about $S30. Food poisoning wasn't so crash hot. Selina puked all night. I had both ends in action
Today we had breakfast..roti canai for $S 1.40 each. Ariel woofed his. Selina and I settlef for iced milo & tea respectively.
Went to Mustafa Centre with Ariel to buy a plug adapter $S 6.90
The MRT is a work of art.
Sleep this afternoon. Now shopping for hats & a look see.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Operation Stud Muffin: Update

Well I've been enjoying and experimenting with the protein shake for about a feels that long even if it isn't. Banana's are falling in price and avocado are out of season, so there has been a change in the recipe.

I've decided to listen to the wisdom of lots of small meals during the day. I still drink about half a litre of the shake for breakfast, but nibble on rice crackers, banana etc., during the day. I'm also doing less weights more frequently. I was getting towards 30 lifts of a 3 kg dumbell once every second day, now I do 20 lifts a couple of times a day. Walking is now back on the list after my hip has mended...I ended up with an inflamed lining of my left hip joint due to way too much sitting down whilst writing assignments.

The weight is at 101 kg, but the muscle definition is beginning to emerge. I feel leaner. And yesterday my ex-wife remarked that I was looking pretty damn hot. Trust me, when your ex tells you something like this...listen!

I intend to walk the Great South Western Walk from Portland inland to the Glenelg River to Nelson and back along the beach to Portland in June/July of next year. It's a 2 week and 250 km walk. Should give me all the solitude I need. It also give me a goal for my exercise and weight loss.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Cultural Project in Indonesian

Proyek Budaya
Wayang masih penting untuk Budaya Indonesia?

Saya merasa kalau kita ingin memahami Indonesia dan pendudukan dia, kita harus belajar Wayang dulu. Wayang adalah  kompleks seperti Indonesia dan masyarakat Indonesia.
Mereka ada sejarah dari  kabut waktu dan tidak ada yang tahu benar di mana mereka datang dari.

Waktu saya berhenti dan pikir tentang Indonesia, saya sering ingat, waktu saya datang mengtahui dulu kebudayaan Indonesia, saya belajar dulu tentang gamelan dan wayang. Saya sudah tahu mereka kuno sekali. Saya belum tidak tahu, saya akan menemukan mereka menarik sekali. Waktu saya menulis tugas ini, saya menonton jam atas jam video tentang Wayang dan bunga saya tumbuh. Saya merasa wayang masih penting untuk budaya Indonesia.

Wayang kata dari Bahasa Jawa dan berarti “teater” dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Unsur wayang berasal India dan datang dengan Agama Hindu hampir dua ribu tahun lalu. Satu situs menulis Wayang ada ulan kultis leluhur. Legenda bicara kita Wayang golek tidak hanya wayang asli, tetapi  asal dari Cina dan pada abad tujuh belas guru Islam berubah Wayang golek ke Wayang kulit karena Islam tidak suka penggamabran atau badan hewan dalam seni, saya tahu ini bertentangan, tetapi legenda.

Apa tidak legenda bentuk asli di Wayang adalah Wayang golek. Karena Islam tidak suka baik pria atau dewa yang digambarkan dalam lukisan atau bentuk fisik dan Wayang sangat penting dan sangat populer dalam budaya populer, mereka ubah wayang dari wayang golek ke wayang bayangan. Walaupun Agama Islam coba untuk mengubah sifat Wayang, Wayang masih Hindu dan anisme di alam. Dan pemaham  ini paling penting ke memahami berdua Wayang dan Budaya Indonesia.

Dan unsur lain dari asli agama yang sering anisme di alam.  Wayang budaya tinggi di Jawa. Raja dan ratu sering kasih kinerja dalam istana mereka. Di perayaan sering ada kinerja di Wayang. Wayang masih paling penting ke orang  dan budaya Indonesia.

Wayang ada banyak jenis,  dan mereka Wayang kulit.

 Dalam foto di atas, kita ada karakter dari Mahabarata. Kiri ke kanan, nama mereka Bhima, Arjuna, Yudhisistra, Nakula dan Sahadeva. Dalam foto ini, kita lihat klasik ide Wayang kulit. Boneka jelas Jawa dan  hadirin dalam Yogyakarta atau Surakarta akan terkenal karakter ini. Mungkin dalan hadirin kita akan ada seorang yang bisa melafalkan cerita dari hati. 
 Wayang wong juga dikenal  topeng atau gedog atau wayang orang. Wayang ini, wayang asli.

Dalam foto atas kita bisa lihat pelaku memakai topeng. Mengenakan topeng adalah apa membuat ini Wayang topeng. Juga lihat, kita tidak ada boneka tetapi orang dalam foto ini. Cerita ini sering dari Panji siklus yang legenda tentang Pangeran dari Jawa timur dan di cari untuk Candra Kirana...istrinya.

 Jenis  yang terpopuler di Wayang kulit. Sering kinerja Wayang akan terus selama di malam dari matahari terbenam ke matahari terbit. Dan penonton mengangis atau bahagia waktu cerita sedih atau bahagia.
Foto atas kita ada Boneka Wayang Kulit. Kita bisa lihat mereka satu dimensi. Fungsi mereka untuk membuat bayangan.

Cerita yang populer dalam Wayang di epos Ramayana dan Mahabharata cerita ini sangat panjang yang ada drama dam romantis dan perang, mereka cerita yang  awet muda. Di  waktu moderen cerita bisa ada politik Tema kontemporer dan komedi. Wayang masih berubah dengan.

Foto-foto atas kita ada boneka yang kontemperor. Kita ada Presiden Sukarno dan Orang Barat sebagai Wayang boneka. Saya pikir di boneka yang Presiden Sukarno digunakan untuk mengkritik pemerintah. Boneka orang Barat untuk komik lega karena orang desa tidak bisa mengerti orang Barat dan pikir mereka lucu.

Komik atas yang adalah boneka Wayang kulit. Komik seperti ini sangat baru. Lihat di alamat web pojok kanan atas dan kartunis digunakan Bahasa Jawa dalam terakhir bingkai. Saya pikir ini signifikan karena di kartunis masih ingin komik ini terikat dengan asal-usulnya.

Cari di situs web dan cepat sekali kita bisa lihat youtube ada banyak video tentang wayang, saya menghitung 3000 video yang ada subyek Wayang kulit. Ini menunjukkan wayang masih penting dan populer untuk rakyat Indonesia.

Pusat untuk kinerja yang narator yang juga juga dikenal sebagai “Dalang/Dhalang”. Selama  kinerja di Dalang menjadi dimiliki oleh di karakter dalam  cerita. Dhalang menggunakan suaranya untuk menciptakan suasanya.

Fotograf ini: Dalang dan boneka Wayang Kulit. Kita bisa lihat boneka dan layar. Dhalang ini digunakan lampu listrik, terakhir kali dia digunakan lampu yang ada minyak kelapa.

Wayang sering ada gamelan iringan. Saya pikir gamelan dan wayang  telah mengembangkan bersama-sama. Wayang pakai gamelan untuk dramatis atau sinyal pertubahan plot di cerita.

Foto atas instrumen Gamelan. Gamelan membuat dari kuningan. Instrumen gamelan perkusi dengan gong dan drum dan  metalofon. Dalam terakhir kali kalau kita tidak ada orkes gamelan kita tidak ada kinerja wayang, tetapi kali moderen kita ada kinerja yang gunakan DVD atau CD atau MP3.

Wayang buat dari kulit. Di kulit bisa kulit sapi atau kambing. Membuat Wayang memakan waktu lama.  Dulu di perajin menggunakan setensilan untuk membuat garis besar.

Perajin dan teman dengan boneka Wayang. Kita bisa lihat Wayang kulit buat dari potongan-potongan kulit tipis.

Dan perajin dipotong sangat hati-hati. Waktu dipotong selesai di wayang dilukis. Sering perajin kerja dalam kelompok dan membuat wayang bisa selam sepuluh hari persatu. Tidak semua perajin kerja satu wayang, mereka kerja membuat wayang untuk pertunjukan.

Setengah jalan antara Wayang wong dan Wayang kulit di Wayang karucil/klitik. Wayang ini buat dari kayu.

Fotograf ini boneka Wayang karucil. Wayang karucil buat dari kayu. Kinerja sangat kejam dan boneka sering mendapatkan rusak.

Waktu saya bertanya orang Indonesia tentang Wayang, sangat cepat saya pelajari wayang paling penting untuk identitas di Indonesia. Mungkin saya hanya wawancara hanya satu seorang Indonesia, saya mungkin salah tentang wayang dan budaya Indonesia. Saya wawancara tiga orang Indonesia yang muda dan tua, yang tinggal dalam Jakarta dan propinsi. Semua orang yang saya wawancara sudah lihat Wayang dan semua mereka pikir Wayang penting untuk budaya Indonesia. Saya pikir karena Indonesia paling besar dengan banyak bahasa yang berbeda dan budaya,  pemerintah di Indonesia mempromosikan Wayang sebagai pemersatu. Walaupun Wayang berasal di Jawa,  di cerita bersifat universal dan waktu di pemerintah ingin mendidik tentang misalnya malaria atau HIV atau propaganda  tentang mereka berurusan dengan korupsi mereka kasih pertunjukan Wayang, hampir seperti penempata produk dalam film. Karena pemerintah tahu wayang paling populer dengan rakyat, di pemerintah juga tahu seorang akan lihat dan mendengar ke pesan mereka.

Ini selesai tugas ini. Saya berharap ini menarik dan saya suka menulis tugas ini.

Wawancara tentang Wayang dengan orang yang tinggal di Indonesia.
1. Anda tinggal di mana dalam Indonesia?
2. Telah Anda melihat pagelaran Wayang?
3. Menurut Anda Wayang relevan dengan Indonesia saat-saat?
4. Jika demikian, mengapa?
5. Jika tidak, mengapa tidak?

Wawancara dengan Nuri Astuti 35 tahun, tinggal di Kota Tangerang, Jawa Barat. Wawancara  di Facebook 
Question no 1: Tangerang, Banten, no.2: yes I had seen wayang show b4,no.3: yes it's quite relevan,no.4:because, u can learn many wise advise from the wayang show, u can adept the story to the reality that happend 2 day specially here in Indonesia, ( look for Batarayuda book ) like right now we need leader like "Semar", he is one of the wise character in wayang .

Wawancara dengan Wennie Mendela 22 tahun, tinggal di Jakarta, wawancara di Facebook
Maaf saya baru ingat belum balas pesan anda
Yang saya pikir tentang wayang adalah suatu karya yang inspiratif..
Dari bahan untuk membuat setiap karakter yang berbeda juga perawakan atau tampilan yang berbeda pula..
Juga alunan jalan cerita wayang itu memiliki makna sendiri belum lagi suara-suara pe-nyinden itu ikut membuat pertunjukkan makin menghayati cerita nya..
Itu yang saya pikir tentang wayang..

Maaf sekali lagi karena saya benar-benar ingat

Wawasan dengan Pak Handaka Vijjananda, 40 tahun, tinggal di Jakarta, wawancara  via imel.
1. Anda tinggal di mana dalam Indonesia?
Di Jakarta, ibu kota Indonesia.

2. Telah Anda melihat pagelaran Wayang?
Dahulu waktu saya kecil, di kampung halaman saya di sebuah kota kecil di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Selanjutnya saya melihat pagelaran wayang kulit.sekali-kali saja di televisi, waktu saya kecil, sekitar 30-35 tahun yang lalu.

3. Menurut Anda Wayang relevan dengan Indonesia saat-saat?
Saya rasa wayang sudah ditinggalkan oleh generasi muda masa kini.

4. Jika demikian, mengapa?
Karena selera orang muda masa kini sudah berubah terpengaruh budaya asing, terutama budaya Barat yang lebih dinamis dan modern dibanding wayang kulit yang kuno dan tampilannya membosankan.

5. Jika tidak, mengapa tidak?
Jawaban di atas saya sudah menjelaskan.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

The legacy of the Pacific War in Southeast Asia. A comparative examination of Cambodia and Indonesia 1945 - 2011

The Pacific War is, without argument, the defining event in the modern history of Cambodia and Indonesia  for the simple fact that it marked the beginning of the post colonial world. In the period immediately post war, it appeared that Cambodia was to enjoy a far kinder legacy from the Pacific War than Indonesia was going to. In  Cambodia, the Vichy French government had been left in at least nominal control and in contrast to Indonesia, no serious efforts were made by the Japanese to foster nationalist sentiments. The Pacific War itself,  had had a negligible effect on Cambodia. It was when the Americans became involved in Cambodia that things changed very quickly and for the worse. Up until this time Cambodia was peaceful, it was prosperous,  it was politically neutral and so long as you stayed away from politics, life was good.
 In Indonesia  the Dutch administration was removed by the Japanese and Indonesian nationalist sentiments encouraged[1]. The Japanese had identified Indonesian leaders sympathetic to them. Amongst these  was Sukarno[2] who  became prominent in the Japanese administration. The future president Suharto joined the Japanese militia during this time and had reached the  rank  of Lieutenant by war’s end[3]. The Indonesian Republic was declared  at the Pacific War’s end in 1945. The Indonesian National Revolution lasted until 1949 when Indonesian independence was formally  recognised by the Netherlands government[4]. Not only was the Revolution being fought at this time, there was also a  war between Republican forces and Islamist groups such as Dar Ul Islam[5] and separatist groups[6][7][8].

The situation in Cambodia couldn’t have been more different from that in Indonesia[9]. A  ineffectual communist insurgency began in 1945. In 1949 Cambodia was granted limited autonomy[10]. In  1953 France granted independence to Cambodia with king Norodom Sihanouk as head of state[11].  Pol Pot, the future leader of the Khmer Rouge, was educated first in Cambodia and then France during this period.  It  was at this time that Pol Pot began his involvement in  Communism.

Cambodia achieved a period of peace and prosperity in the 1950’s and most of the 1960’s under the increasingly autocratic rule of king Norodom Sihanouk[12].  In the late 1960’s Cambodia became a pawn in the Cold War[13]. In 1969 the US attempted to interdict the flow of men and materiel from Communist North Viet Nam through Cambodia to Communist guerrillas fighting  in South Viet Nam[14]. At that time the Khmer Rouge were militarily weak[15]. This changed as a result of the American  intervention[16]. Sihanouk was deposed by General Lon Nol  in 1970[17]. The US supported the Lon Nol government  against the now very militarily effective Khmer Rouge[18] . By  April 1975 the Khmer Rouge led by Pol Pot had captured the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh[19]. The ensuing genocide killed at least 2 million Cambodians[20]. The Khmer Rouge repeatedly  crossed into South Viet Nam and  this lead to the Vietnamese invasion and control of Cambodia in 1978[21]. War between the Vietnamese and a Khmer Rouge led insurgency, which was covertly funded by the US,  continued  until 1991 and the Vietnamese withdrawal[22]. A Khmer Rouge insurgency was to last until 1998 and the death of Pol Pot.  From 1991-3 the United Nations administered Cambodia.  It was during this period that  HIV/ AIDS were introduced into Cambodia. Cambodia now has one of the highest incidences of HIV /AIDS  in Asia[23][24].

Cambodia has been hobbled  both economically and socially by the legacy of American involvement. The Khmer Rouge exterminated the intellectual and cultural wealth of Cambodia[25] [26]and Cambodia remains poor with one quarter of the population living beneath the poverty line. The continuing border tensions with Thailand raise the possibility that the Thai government will create a pretext for invasion once the extent  of oil and natural gas finds  in that region are confirmed[27][28].  Justice for the survivors of the Khmer Rouge genocide has been extremely limited and slow in coming[29].

 As Cambodia fell apart, Indonesia came together. Sukarno,Indonesia’s first president, owed many political favours  to the Communists [30][31]. Indonesia became a leader of the Non Aligned Movement [32][33] and  developed strong ties with  the Soviet Union and China. Indonesia engaged in a border war known as the Konfrontasi with the newly established Malaysia from 1962-5[34]. On September 30, 1965 there was an attempted coup from within the armed forces in which six of the country’s  generals were murdered. This was excuse enough for the military led by the now General Suharto  to engage in a brutal anti communist crackdown, which coincided with the overthrow of Sukarno by Suharto . The Communist Party of Indonesia was exterminated[35]. Economically Sukarno had been a disaster for Indonesia[36] .

With the advent of Suharto,  Indonesia entered a period of stability and economic growth. Democratic institutions were undermined in favour of stability, and domestic opposition to the regime suppressed[37]. There were two events of note in regards to foreign policy, Indonesia became involved in the Cambodian Civil War [38] and in December 1975 invaded East Timor[39]. Suharto was to remain in power until 1998 when his regime ended amidst wide spread student led protests. The kleptocracy of Suharto undermined public confidence in the state with all institutions including the presidency being widely accepted as corrupt.[40]

The end of the Suharto era was a period of intense instability in Indonesia.  Despite this, Indonesia has successfully dealt with the rise of Islamic extremism. Indonesia has also embraced democracy, has held elections that are viewed to be largely free of corruption.  There was a very real fear that the exit of East Timor from Indonesia in May of 2002 would lead to the breakup of the Indonesian state. To  date this has not happened[41].

Since Sukarno was removed from power the Indonesian economy  has  the showed consistent growth. Only 13% of Indonesia’s population now live below the poverty line. Education is relatively well funded[42] and foreign students attend  at least one Indonesian university[43]. In contrast with Cambodia, all prospects for Indonesia look positive. The separatist movements of the past are no longer active and ethnic and religious conflicts in provinces such as Kalimantan and Maluku are on the decline. Recently however,  concerns have begun to be raised that this may be changing.[44] Despite the enormous ethnic and linguistic range of the  Indonesian population, the government has been able to propagate a sentiment of belonging to Indonesia, and the  language of the Indonesian government,  Bahasa Indonesia,  is increasingly  the first language of the population.

In summation, both Cambodia and Indonesia have and continue to face their legacies from the colonial period. Both countries have undergone periods of war and political turmoil. At the present time both countries are experiencing a period of peace and relative prosperity. What separates these neighbours is the future. With both having survived their national infancy, it is Cambodia that faces the bleakest future. Cambodia has the misfortune to be neighboured by a militarily strong[45]  Thailand, available evidence points to continued problems with Thailand.

Indonesia  having overcome political and ethnic centrifugal forces has a very promising future. There are no immediate threats to prosperity  and there is no reason why Indonesia should not continue to be the nation she is now.

[1] Brown. C “A Short History Of Indonesia, The Unlikely Nation” Allen & Unwin 2003  page 141
[2] Vickers. A “A History of Modern Indonesia” Cambridge University Press 2005.  Page 85
Brown. C “A Short History Of Indonesia, The Unlikely Nation” Allen & Unwin 2003  page 140
[3]  Ibid page 143
[4] Ibid page 175
Vickers. A “A History of Modern Indonesia” Cambridge University Press 2005 page 112
[5] Ibid page 120
[6] ibid
[7] Ibid page 120
[9] Mabbet. I  & Chandler. D The Khmer” Silkworm Books 1995 pages 234 
[10] Ibid page 238
[11] Ibid page 239
[12] Ibid page 239
[13] Clymer. K “THE UNITED STATES AND CAMBODIA, 1870- 1969 From curiosity to confrontation” RoutledgeCurzon 2004  pages 128-152.
Bizot. F “The Gate” Vintage Press pages 14 – 19
Ham. P “Vietnam: The Australian War” Harper Collins Publishers 2007 page 524
[14] Clymer. K “THE UNITED STATES AND CAMBODIA, 1870- 1969 From curiosity to confrontation” RoutledgeCurzon 2004  page 1
[15] Clymer. K “THE UNITED STATES AND CAMBODIA, 1969 - 2000  A troubled relationship” RoutledgeCurzon 2004  page 46
[16] Clymer. K “THE UNITED STATES AND CAMBODIA, 1969 – 2000 A troubled relationship”. RoutledgeCurzon 2004   Pages 11 - 12 21
[17] Ibid page 20
[18] Ibid pages 43 - 85
[19] Bizot. F “The Gate” Vintage Press
Ung. L “FIRST THEY KILLED MY FATHER a daughter of Cambodia remembers” Flamingo Press 2000 pages 23 – 31
Clymer. K “THE UNITED STATES AND CAMBODIA, 1969 – 2000 A troubled relationship”. RoutledgeCurzon 2004    page 107
[20] (Interview with Pol Pot by Nate Thayer)
[21] Mabbet. I  & Chandler. D The Khmer” Silkworm Books 1995 page 249
[22] Clymer. K “THE UNITED STATES AND CAMBODIA, 1969 – 2000 A troubled relationship”. RoutledgeCurzon 2004 pages 138 - 170   
[26] ibid
[30] Vickers. A “A History of Modern Indonesia” Cambridge University Press 2005 pages 122
[31] Ibid pages 150-1
[33] Vickers. A “A History of Modern Indonesia” Cambridge University Press page 126
[34] Vickers. A “A History of Modern Indonesia” Cambridge University Press page 150
[35] Ibid pages 156 - 60
[36] Ibid page 154
[37] Ibid pages 169 - 96
[38] Clymer. K “THE UNITED STATES AND CAMBODIA, 1969 – 2000 A troubled relationship”. RoutledgeCurzon 2004    pages 27, 36 - 7
[39] Vickers. A “A History of Modern Indonesia” Cambridge University Press 2005 page 167
[40] Ibid page 187
[41] Ibid pages 197 - 224