I recently
wrote on FUCK IT!!!’s. What I didn’t explore in that essay is the meditation
that I am using to drive the FUCK IT!!!
I use a
meditation on death to drive my personal change. Once you consider it, the
choice of a meditation on death is natural when it comes to motivating change. Below
is the meditation that I use.
My body
is incredibly and undeniably fragile. Death is normal and natural. My own Death
is certain. There is no possible way for me to escape, bribe or out run my
Death. My lifetime has an absolute limit. Every breath brings me closer to the
ending of my life. I will die on a perfectly ordinary day, a day just like
today. I will die and the world will not notice.
The first
line states a fact. Whilst we like to think of ourselves as being rather robust
and tough, the truth is that as organisms we live within very clear boundaries:
deny us oxygen for 10 minutes, we die, cause us to lose 10 litres of blood…..,
deny us water for 4 days…., place us in an environment much above 50 degrees Celsius
or below 0 degrees Celsius without cooling or heating….., cause injury to the
brain, the liver, the heart, our bowels, bladder and we tend to…. If death wasn’t
normal and natural, we would literally be crowded out. Given that we all know
someone who has died, our own death is guaranteed. Most of us make it to about
80 years old. And when you stop and think about it, the number of breaths you
will ever take is finite. As surely as you took your first breath on the day
you were born, you will take your last breath on the day you die. And no matter
how monumental your ego is….the world really doesn’t care about you.
I can be
alive one moment planning my days and the next moment I can be dead. The world
is utterly unpredictable and random. Accidents can and do happen all the
time. People can and do simply drop
dead. I am not excluded from these facts and that this can happen to me.
Car accidents
and heart attacks. The people who have them are just like you in that they all
have plans for a future. Given that we are all made from the same material and
endure common illnesses etc., it is a safe bet that there is a chance you will
die in a car accident or drop dead.
It is the
simple, ordinary and everyday things that can and do kill. Food, i-Pods’ and
cars kill us. Food can kill us through eating the wrong foods, foods we have
allergies to, by eating too much food. I-Pods can kill by distracting us from
our environment. Our cars by driving them improperly or through the inattention
of other drivers.
The obesity
epidemic is being driven by the rising amounts of sugar in our diets. Eat a
diet made exclusively of refined fats, sugars and carbohydrates and you will
end up obese and likely dead within ten years. People are regularly killed by
their media devices. They plug in and tune out and as a result get hit by the
train, car or bus they would have seen or heard had they been more in touch with
their environment. As for cars, see the road toll in your local paper.
It is
only the practice of Dhamma that will help me deal with and accept my Death.
The clutter of possessions, relationships, careers will not help me when I am
dying. Often these things make it harder to die with many things left undone
and unsaid. I must have my lifetime in such a place that should I die today,
that nothing truly meaningful to me will be left unsaid or undone, especially
acts and words of love. I must be ready to leave this lifetime immediately.
In understanding
the frailty of our bodies we can see the necessity of having our lives in
order. We need to be in the head space where everything really important to us
is done.
I must
live with great gentleness and kindness, for how I live will determine in a very
large degree the state of my mind when I die. I can choose now to live and die
without great mental suffering in both myself and those I love. My friends and
relatives cannot do my dying for me. I can however lessen their pain at my
Death by living and dying well.
People die
in character. Rarely does death change people. If you’ve spent your entire life
being a toxic piece of shit, then the chances are you will fear death. Conversely
there is abundant evidence that if you’ve been a nice person and done everything
that was important to you, that death isn’t going to be such a big deal. A life
well lived and a death well done are things to be celebrated. Do you want to go
to your death loved or loathed?
As surely as I came into this lifetime naked
and bereft of possessions, I will have to leave it the same way. This body if
not treated with proper care will often be the cause of death, so why should I
turn to it for help at the time of Death? It was never mine in the first place.
You can’t
make a wealth transfer to your next life…assuming there is one. I’ve seen my
children being born and I’ve seen people die and we arrive and leave only with
whatever attitudes and karma we have made.
When I use
this meditation, there is the need to be in the space I want to be in should I die
today. There is the acceptance that I have no time to get things right. Whatever
time I might have is running out and the end of that time is unknown. So if I want
to be utterly toned, gorgeous and to mitigate health risk factors, there is no
time like now in which to become it. I may not have a tomorrow and I know I will
die seriously ticked off at myself if I’m not at my most physically beautiful
should I die today. And this is how I connect fitness, death and motivation.
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