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Tuesday, 25 December 2018


I've just looked at my  post No more Bucket Lists…this one is a Fuck It List.....and where exactly has the last year gone?
Have I achieved: In no particular order:
1    1. Get my BMI-Waist measurement - Weight down to a healthy range.
2.      2. Stay alcohol free.
3.      3. Become physically beautiful. The goal is complete muscle definition with accompanying loss of my belly.
4.      4. Get my arse into Lycra without inflicting trauma on everybody.
5.      5. Climb walls with a rating of 20.
6.      6. Move well beyond the Sun Salutation in Yoga and become a serious student of Pilates and Yoga.
7.      7. Exercise for an hour every day.
8.      8. Become fluent in Indonesian. Will be writing a multilingual edition of the Dhammapada.
9.      9. Cycle from home via the Dingley-Dandenong Bypass-East link and Mullum Creek Trails into the city.
       No, I haven't.

Things haven't gone as expected this year.

     I have gone from Obese to Overweight, so my BMI has dropped. My muscle definition is increased all over my body. I am clearly and increasingly toned. Whilst I'm not physically beautiful and the belly is still there, I am happier with how I look.

Climbing walls beyond 20...
I Boulder more these days, so the ratings aren't there. When I do Top Rope, there is a change in my climbing...I'm stronger and technically better.

And there has been no Lycra inflicted trauma. Selina has essentially forbidden me to wear Lyrca EVER!!!
     As for the Pilates and Yoga.... Selina and I had a tough time this year. I was out of the house for almost 6 months, but things are certainly mending. My ability to build momentum just died. Having said this, I stretch when I climb, so my flexibility has increased.

My aerobic fitness is better. I'm cycling more and further.
My Indonesian IS a lot better. The Masters of Translation I'm doing has been a lot more work than I thought it would be. I've translated over 10 000 words this year. So my fluency has gone up.

Alcohol consumption has dropped. About September I was faced with a choice...I can either drink regularly or exercise...I can't do both. Drinking just kills my stamina and alcohol is a sugar...and sugar is discretionary calories. And as someone who wants to self-identify as an extreme sports nut...I need my stamina. So the choice was made for me and I drink about 3 - 4 times a month. Don't want to get drunk ever again. As I told people: I've never met an endorphin rush I didn't seriously like. I have, however, met plenty of hangovers I have hated. So with booze consumption way down and exercise way up...I've had a win.

I got a new phone in November. Using fitness app to record my exercise. Nice to have a series of maps showing my increasing fitness.

Family has struggled. Selina and I were apart for 6 months.