Above there
are photos of different types of physiques that are the result of different
exercise regimes.
I am, as you
know, in the midst of a change in my life. I’ve spent seven years in tertiary
studies, proven beyond doubt I’m more than just bright. Now I’m pursuing
physical goals with the same discipline as I’ve pursued my intellectual goals.
So I’m doing
a lot of physical activity. This week alone I’ve climbed for 8 hours, done
about 500 lifts of weights (I never lift anything more than 12 kg,
I’m about tone, not bulk), better than
an hour of Yoga, cycled for 20 km and played an hour of tennis with my very fit
seven year old son. I haven’t managed all that much time on my rowing machine
due to wanting to increase my Yoga & Pilates. I’m exercising most days.
With this
amount of effort being put in the question has to be asked: What is it I want
from the exercise?
On the understanding that you are engaged or
about to engage in a fitness regime this is a question you must ask yourself. Apart
from the abundant and quite empirical material that exercise is good for you,
why are you doing it? Answering this question will make achieving your goals
My answer to
this question is: I want a Yoga bod. My goal isn’t to bulk up. Selina isn’t a
fan of the people that Clive James so aptly described as looking like stockings
stuffed with walnuts. I’m not a fan of buying either a shitload of expensive
and dangerous supplements or a new wardrobe. I want lots of long lean muscles. A
Yoga Bod will support my climbing. The aerobic fitness from my tennis, cycling
and rowing will get my waist under control. The visceral fat that is keeping my
waist over 100 cm…and is slowly killing me has to go. In order to get that
vigorous old age I want, the belly has to go and all my exercise supports that.
I expect,
not unreasonably, that a very toned me will result in more sex. We make no
attempt to hide our extracurricular activities…and the better I look…. I want
to be a Disgusting Old Fuck. My version won’t be taking drugs, smoking or
drinking heavily. My version will be climbing, cycling, rowing and being a Yogi
into my 80’s.
So I very
clearly know what I want from my exercise regime….do you?