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Friday, 30 January 2015
He was the lens
I have been thinking a lot about my brother Mark, the brother who died almost 2 months ago.
For half of this life I have actively disliked him.
Mark has been the lens through which I have viewed myself. In knowing him, I have come to know me. Mark in many ways was my nightmare. I was desperately afraid that the remark from my parents "you are just like Mark" was correct and that I was indeed the mess that he so clearly was.
Thus I found my motivation. Because for three-quarters of it I have had not becoming like him as almost the only true goal I've had in life.
Mark was my Nemesis in the Classical meaning of the term., he was the Goddess waiting to deliver punishment should my own abundant arrogance grow too big for its own good. He was always the warning that should I get caught up in my own glory that I would fall. He was the nagging certainty that should I fail that the slope into the abyss was both nearby and very steep.
Mark was my most feared potential.
He was the shadow to my light.
Mark was the complete quiet to my raging, searing, shrieking passion.
He was the passive acceptance to my utter unwillingness to surrender.
He tolerated and understood what I did not.
Mark was the earthing point to the lightning that posessed me.
When I was at my most animated and sending bolts of thought and ideas,
Mark was at his quietest.
Whilst I have spent my life tearing myself apart in a relentless, ruthless quest to both know and reinvent myself. Demanding utter self knowledge and never for a moment listening to anyone else.
Mark accepted the opinions of others of him as a Truth.
Where I dared and challenged, harassed and badgered.
He accepted.
He ran and failed.
I stood and fought and wondered why the fuck I couldn't give in.
He doubted himself completely.
I never took my eyes off my self belief.
In all of my chaos,
In all of my demanding answers from the Gods,
There is one thing I have never understood.
Why didn't you fight!?
Why couldn't you shriek and rage?
Why with you being so much my opposite is there such a hole in me?
Why does a world without you seem that much emptier?
Why in a world where I am loved, is there that profound loneliness?
Perhaps because my brother you exemplified that better part of me.
You had the quiet where I was the noise.
You had the compassion where I had the scorn.
You had the contentment I will never know.
You were simply my brother.
Sunday, 11 January 2015
Loch Brewery & Distillery
I visited the charming Gippsland village of Loch last weekend. Loch is tiny, apart from the main street there isn't a lot to Loch....try say that when drunk...a lot to Loch.
What Loch does have is a brewery/ distillery. I'm always on the lookout for new beers & spirits.
I sampled the beers that this very new brewery has on offer. I couldn't sample the Gin they distilled just before Christmas because that sold quicker than I can drink....damn fast in other words. I also couldn't sample the whiskey they are making because that is currently being aged. Apparently vodka is also being distilled here...yet again I was left sad faced and unable to sample any.
The owners and brewers...whose names escaped me. Have decided to concentrate on their alcohol. So if you are wanting a meal with their fine wares you will need to buy it elsewhere and bring it to the brewery. Purists...we are here to brew and distill. They are sharing the wealth...there is some good food in either Loch itself or nearby Korumburra.
There are three beers on offer and their photo is above. A beautiful family snap if ever there was one.
The Amber Ale is crisp, bitter and clean. Surprisingly my four year old son was happy having a sip of Dads beer, so it isn't face puckeringly bitter. On a stinking hot summers day this would be perfect for easing the discomfort. I would drink it with fish or something quite or a cold cuts platter...even antipasto.
The Best Bitter is less bitter than the Amber Ale. It is extremely drinkable. I wouldn't need either an excuse or a summers day to drink this. I would drink this with something simple....I'm having mental images of a very large glass of this beer and....I know hot dogs!!!! Yep, hot dogs with mustard, sourkraut...and weiswurst as the sausage. At the very least something Germanic in name, if not in origin.
The Dark Ale has coffee and chocolate over tones. For me this would work well as a dessert beer...chocolate mousse or 75% chocolate or even Black Forest Cake or with a game meat or fresh oysters. The combination of the chocolate, coffee and the saltiness and richness of the oysters would be utterly divine.
The beers aren't cheap...but then name a boutique brewery that is...they are about $8.50 a 500 ml bottle. They are a reason to stop in Loch on the weekend. The other place where you can buy them is the tourist information centre in Korumburra....none of the bottleshops or supermarkets in nearby towns stock the beers.
So I will give a sound cheer of encouragement. 4.5 glasses out of 5.
As you know, I recently returned "home" to attend the funeral of my brother Mark. At the funeral I met "family" I literally hadn't seen in years, one for 30 of them.
Can we "belong" to people we don't know?
When I showed up at the cemetary to say goodbye to my brother I was someone that none of my siblings or my father had met before. Whatever version of me they had known or thought they had known has been swept away in the joyous whirlwind of change that the last seven years since I met Selina has been.
After the ceremony there was a wake. My first chance to meet people Selina had mentioned would be effectively strangers. And this is exactly what they were...strangers. We inhabited different mind sets, different outlooks, different ambitions, different life stories.
I was in a room of people who all knew each other and whether they liked each other or not, at least accepted each other. I was the unknown quantity and quality. I no longer share the same surname, instead the surname I have is one I chose for myself.
My life story has been utterly different from the stories the people who are my genetic brothers, sisters, father, aunt, cousin, niece, great niece, nephew and great nephew, brothers and sisters and fiance in-law have lived. I have physically and intellectually walked in places they barely know exist.
Whilst they have raised families and held down jobs, and been what society asks of them and little else. I have wandered. I have struggled with shadows. I have dreamt, thought, fought and cried. Finally I met and established a healthy relationship with what I am. I have sat down with my personal demons and beaten them at their own games. I have re-invented and reshaped myself so completely that I struggle to remember who it was that I started out as. Lately I have begun to rejoice in being an Aspergers. Being different no longer causes the pain it once did. Now I can accept the joy in having a mind that works in a very different way to the minds around me.
Being different is one thing. Attending university and being taught how to think is quite another. I have spent the last four years learning how to think in a way that my "family" does not, assuming they think at all. The last four years have turned my curiousity from an aimless, ill disciplined wanderer into a focus, into something that pursues facts with a devotion and an attention that is apparently quite the sight and by some opinions at least intimidating.
The "operating system" of my mind has been changed and my intellect unshackled from the millstone of doubt during the course of being Tertiary educated. I know what I am and what it is that I want to do. I have the "big ticket approval" I have spent this lifetime so desperately wanting
Much of this is well known, I doubt if any of it is "news".
Still it leaves the question unanswered.
Biology isn't family. Mark himself proved as much. When he was dying the hypocrits who hijacked his funeral and mouthed insincere platitudes over his coffin were nowhere near him. More often than not Marks "family" were the people who treated him the worst. Yet he so hungered for and self identified as "belonging" to them, despite there being little or no evidence that they reciprocated these feelings.
For myself, I stood amongst this "family" and felt deeply alone. I knew and acknowledge that they have lived conventional lifetimes, yet I was unprepared for the gap that ached between them and myself. The gap "ached" because I had never expected it to be either so large or to be such a space I was so unwilling to cross.
For them ET had entered the room and he talked about the places and thoughts he had been to. They struggled and ultimately abandoned the search for reference points and commonality. Yes, there once had been a little boy and then a teenager who had the same eyes. No, that person had left for the south a long time ago. And whilst someone who had the same eyes as that long departed little boy walked the room and took photo's with them, he was a memory to all of them. He was as dead as the man they had gathered to bury. The man in their midst was unknown.
To answer my own question.
No we can't "belong" to people we don't know.
Belonging requires knowledge and a shared identity, a shared history. Things I lack in regards to my birth "family". And they are precisely what I do have with the family I am literally making myself. It is to Ariel, to Selina and to the as yet unborn Orson and William and whatever other children will bless this lifetime that I belong.
The Bowaters in Mackay....they are strangers I interacted with briefly and will likely never meet again. Whether I belong to them is a concept and a question that never enters the thoughts or dreams of any of us. It is irrelevant because it was answered the moment I entered the space they were in.
I entered that space not needing their acceptance or understanding and told them that in plain terms. In completing a Bachelor of Arts I have gained the acceptance of serious people. I also have the knowledge that I am by solid standards very good. I also took no effort in hiding what I am. I made no effort to hide the fact that in terms of intellect that there was a very clear intellect present in the room and I was the one who had it. They became aware that any time I wanted to I could rip them from whatever intellectual comfort zone they have...and still be at the entrance to what interests and motivates me. The deeper questions that occupy my pensiveness are beyond them. They inhabit a world unknown and unknowable to my "family".
When you are unrecognisable to the people you, on paper at least, "belong" to, then the question of belonging becomes irrelevant. In their company, the person I "belong" to is myself. I belong to the future I will have, a future that will be apart from and unknowable to the Bowaters.
I have answered my question.
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